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Audience engagement requires out of box concept in order to accomplish desired business objectives and interacting with audiences. You need to come up with ways and means beyond traditional PowerPoint presentations or videos. This time ‘audience’ includes your stakeholders and employees and if you want to start ‘competitiveness’ from within then it’s time to look at gamifying your interactions.

As a corporate gamification company, ADVIBE gamification services is much broader than simple mobile B2C check-ins.



Gamification is a term that everybody knows regardless of what industry they belong to. Gamification helps in user-engagement of ‘consumers’ with your brand, service or product. Notably, when engagement goes high, other important metrics like unique visitors, time spent on site, participation and conversation go up as well.

Solution to Complex Business Problem

Real time feedback is the key to gamification. Gamification can help users instant satisfaction with points or badges that gets updated as they start playing. More importantly, Gamification shows users their areas of improvement, so that they can work on those flaws. Collecting these feedback from users help in solving many business issues and throw light on where you are lacking in business.


Game analytics data can help business to know the ‘loyalty’ of your users. It helps in understanding the retention power of the game and where user exits, it will help you to ponder on ‘why’ the users exit from a particular point. Loyalty in gamification refers to users picking your brand over your competition.


Gamify specific activities of your business module, which will encourage employees to accomplish those activities in your desired order.

Fun and Motivation

Fun…as simple as fun, is the easiest way to grab attention among users. Gamification actually does that. Motivation another key benefits of gamification can actually help employees to give their best to complete gamified training tasks and get rewarded as they improve on specified tasks. Gamification can provide clear progress reports to everyone.

Positive ROI

Gamification brings in behavioural changes, which enhances performance improvements that helps in positive ROI of the organization.

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